
Looking for your next talent? The FACC-Atlanta is here to help you!


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Candidate Database

14 resume for selected criterias

Director of operations

Procurement Strategy and Sales Development leader in the US for the last two years. Global manager and coordinator for greenfield projects in India for 4 years before that. I managed the international...

Work visa C/ 4-6 ans Anglais Français

Vendor Management


I am a French native who has been working as a Vendor Manager in South Korea for the past 7 years. While I specialize in the translation service industry, I am more generally experienced in...

D/ 6-10 ans RH Logistique Achat Anglais Français Coréen Espagnol


Currently a second-year student in higher education in France, specializing in marketing, I am seeking a two-month internship from October 28, 2024, to December 20, 2024. Passionate about world...

Work visa A/ 0-2 ans Finance Animation Appui aux entreprises Communication Evènementiel Marketing Achat R&D Anglais Français

Looking for a 4-month internship in finance management from September 2024

After my high school diploma obtained with highest honors, I took undergraduate intensive preparation courses during two years for the competitive entrance exams to the French ‘Grandes Écoles’ (the...

Work visa A/ 0-2 ans Finance Anglais Français Allemand

Mechanical Engineering Internship

I am a 3rd Engineering major and a German minor attending Georgia Southern University. I have been searching for an Internship or Co-Op to further strengthen my portfolio. I am looking to work abroad...

A/ 0-2 ans Administration Logistique R&D Anglais Allemand

Executive Director/Correspondent/Field Operator

I am searching for a job/internship regarding European issues, humanitarian issues, working in a Chamber of Commerce, or global affairs environment. I received my second Master's degree...

D/ 6-10 ans Administration Appui aux entreprises Communication Evènementiel Juridique Anglais Français

Marketing Officer

I have always been deeply interested in brand awareness and marketing overall. From a young age, I questioned myself why certain advertisements resonated with me, how others could be improved, and...

B/ 2-4 ans Marketing Anglais Français Espagnol

Poste dans l'administration

J’ai effectué un bts professions immobilières. J’ai de l’expérience dans la gestion immobilière, la location et la transaction. J’ai également des compétences dans m’administratif et la restauration.

Work visa A/ 0-2 ans Administration Anglais Français Espagnol

Customer Success Manager or Business Relationship Manager

- I am a Customer Success Manager with an IT reseller in metro Atlanta. specializing in cybersecurity, data management, data storage.
- My focus is on enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by...

E/ > 10 ans Appui aux entreprises RSE RH IT Achat Anglais Français Espagnol

Quality Engineer

After doing a material engineering school. I decided to focus myself on packaging, by being an quality engineer in a glass factory. During this experience, I was able to train people on glass defect,...

Work visa A/ 0-2 ans Arabe Anglais Français Espagnol
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