Doing Business in GA/TN/AL/MS

Are you looking to expand your existing business to the U.S.? Do you want to export/open an office/or to start a completely new company?
The FACC-Atlanta is your partner!
We will create a tailor-made program based on your needs and challenges. You will meet potential partners and connect with companies relevant to your projects. Through our extensive network, we can facilitate meetings with key industry executives, coordinate site visits and factory tours, and organize networking events with local leaders.
Setting up your business in a new country is not always straightforward. We team up with professionals to help make all aspects of your company set up as easy as ABC.
Thanks to our partners, we can assist you in the following domains:
- Company Set up and Registration
- Legal advice (Employment, M&A, Corporate & Business Law, Intellectual Property, …)
- Visa & Immigration
- Commercial and Private Real Estate
- Site selection
- Tax & Accounting
- Financial Incentives
- Insurance
- Marketing & PR services
Programs are provided on-demand and may be organized anytime throughout the year. For more information and pricing, please contact services(@)