Event ended.
France-Atlanta is an annual event series co-organized by the Consulate General of France and The Georgia Institute of Technology.
France-Atlanta is an annual event series co-organized by the Consulate General of France and The Georgia Institute of Technology.
This 13th edition is presented under the high auspices of
the Ambassador of France to the United States, the Governor of Georgia and the Mayor of Atlanta.
We hope you can join us at our upcoming events – most of them are free!
Scientific events & Humanitarian affairs
Learn about the origin of pandemics, the use of physical internet and the ethical challenges of AI.
Join us for a webinar about the role of sustainability in disaster preparedness, response and recovery.
Cultural events
Experience theatrical and dance performances with Felwine Sarr and Qudus Onikeku.
Explore Marseille in Atlanta through City Cité and meet Villa Albertine residents.
Business events
Connect with outstanding entrepreneurs and industry leaders shaping tomorrow's transatlantic economy.
Check out the calendar of events HERE
Event ended.